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Save Everything Studios

Our world is experiencing devastation and destruction on just about every front, from the environmental crisis to terrorism, extreme poverty, hunger, the refugee crisis, violence, despair, loneliness, discrimination, exploitation, and the brutal abuse of non-human animals.


All of these seemingly disparate problems, and others, have a common root that can be traced back to our disconnection with and exploitation of other beings (human and non-human) and the natural world. Our society tells us that happiness comes from material wealth and power over others, which has bred the current culture that is ruled by self-interest and competition. 


The good news is we can change our view and we can change our ways, and in doing so we can end both our own personal suffering and that of others.  The  only possible solution to these interrelated global problems, the one that can save us before it's too late, the one that can help us create a world based on altruism and compassion for others, is to recognize our interconnection with other beings and the natural world, to embrace our highest and truest nature of compassion, mercy, and brotherhood, and to answer love’s call to care about the beings at the edge of the light. 



The End of Suffering is a cinematic exploration of our true inherent nature, not the selfish, cruel brute of Randian, or Hobbesian philosophy, but the one described by social scientists, ethicists, evolutionary biologists, and religious leaders from all the major traditions as being kind, cooperative, and compassionate. The film looks at the suffering that permeates our world, and the causes of this suffering. We will come to see that an end to suffereing is possible, both for ourselves, and for the other beings with whom we share this precious planet, and we will discover the path that leads to the end of suffering.  


The film explores where our limitations are as individuals and as a species, where we have withheld our compassion, our nature of altruism, in favor of exploitation and domination. We come to see that it is these forces that are the true root of all the world’s most pressing problems of our age.


While most social and environmental justice movements limit their focus to one cause, one issue, if we are to create the world all these movements are working for, we must strike at the roots of exploitation and injustice. We will take a deep look into the one area of human behavior where these forces are strongest and least questioned, where they are more destructive and cause the vast majority of suffering on the planet: our relationship with non-human animals. Of all the myriad areas of exploitation, animal agriculture stands out, quantifiably causing more suffering in the world than any other industry. It is a leading contributor to global warming and most of the world’s other leading environmental problems, and it’s killing us, literally, as animal products are a major cause of cancer and other human health problems.


So why does this billion dollar industry continue to thrive? Through interviews with leading social scientists, psychologists, and spiritual leaders we will look at a complex range of factors, from human psychology to political and corporate manipulation and corruption, to try and understand why we support an industry and practice that goes so deeply against our own core values and is destroying our world. We will investigate how and why have we allowed ourselves to create hell on earth for billions of sentient beings, at the expense of our own health and the survival of the planet.


Ultimately, the film leads us back to our true nature of kindness, generosity and compassion to explore how we, through both individual and collective action, can dismantle the current paradigm of selfishness, greed, and exploitation that dominates the modern era, and be part of a movement that will usher in a new paradigm of compassion, altruism, sustainability, and harmony with all life that is essential for both personal and planetary healing and survival.



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